BYU makes me want to cry.

Here is an official news release from BYU:

For those who didn’t read it, it talks about how BYU is “reorganizing” its women’s studies program.  They say: “This reorganization will result in significantly expanded resources for research and creative activities pertaining to women.”  So in other words, there will be more opportunities for research and creativity because they are disbanding the organization and structure that is already in place.  Yep… they’re getting rid of the Women’s Research Institute.

This makes me really sad.  I didn’t use the WRI as a resource nearly as often as I should have, but I still enjoyed their programs.  They had inspiring lectures, showed fascinating films, and offered one of my favorite classes I took at BYU.  So many of the lectures they put on will stick with me, and I will always appreciate the fact that they would address issues that everyone else would try to avoid.  Their lecture on Heavenly Mother, for example, had an extremely profound impact on me, and I know I could not have gotten that anywhere else.  I always told myself that if I stayed at BYU, I would become more involved with it.  And although I didn’t use the WRI as much as I should have, I know how valuable it was.

So, I know I have some friends and family who have had experiences with the WRI either taking classes, working for them, or even just attending a program.  Since I feel like I didn’t appreciate the Institute enough while I had the chance, I’d like to hear how it effected the lives of those who did.  If there’s anything any of my readers want to share about their experiences, I would love to read  them.

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Filed under Feminism, Why I hate BYU/ Provo/ Utah

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